Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Sun, Moon, & Stars: Evidence to the People on Earth that there is a God in Heaven


The position of the planet Earth in our solar system is keenly situated in an extremely favorable location, perfectly fit for the habitation of life. And this celestial area of our galaxy that is so well suited for the propagation of all types of lifeforms, is known as the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. Located just outside of the orbit of Venus and extending just past the orbit of Mars, this rare and special place in the universe has ensured all life, as well as all the elements necessary to sustain life, a perfect habitat with one in one-thousandth of a trillion percentage point of having occurred randomly or simply by coincidence. For as we shall discover our Earth is way too complicated, and far too self sustaining to be just a fluke of nature. By examining the Earth and its relationship to both the Sun and the Moon, it is my firm argument that these celestial bodies carry with them the signature of an intelligent and divine creator: the almighty God. For as the Bible tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork” (Psalms 19:1). For by studying the sun, moon, and stars one can easily come to the conclusion that there must be a creator behind creation. The aim of this presentation will be to prove the existence of God by taking an in depth look at creation from both a theological and scientific viewpoint, and in the end I believe the case for a creator will be firmly established.

As previously mentioned, the Circumstellar Habitable Zone is the intergalactic sweet spot which enables all the various organisms on Earth to thrive. Yet even within this perfect place in outer-space, the Earth is also at the exact point in this particular zone in order for all life to enjoy a comfortable climate. For if the Earth was just a few degrees closer to the Sun, the planet's temperature would be so extremely hot that no life could be sustained. And if the Earth was positioned just a few degrees away from the Sun, the temperature would be so cold that the entire planet would be completely frozen over, which would negate the possibility of any type of life on Earth to function or exist. Additionally, just as the Earth's distance from the Sun is just right for the sustainability of life, the same goes for the size of the Earth. For deep within the interior of the Earth, the movement of liquid iron generates a magnetic field around the globe which protects the Earth from the solar winds. If the Earth was just a little smaller in size the protective magnetic field would not be as strong, and the Earth would be scorched by the flares from the Sun. Thus both the distance from the Sun to the Earth, and the the proportions of the Earth to the Sun, share all the mathematically precise dimensions enabling a balanced and temperate climate on our planet perfect for plant, animal, and human life forms to live comfortably.

The Moon also plays a very special and important role in the insurance of a functional habitat for the various life forms on the Earth and for all the life that exists within the Earth's oceans. Now the Moon is one-fourth the size of the Earth, and is positioned just far enough away to stabilize the Earth's axis, and due to its gravitational pull from the Earth, the Moon also regulates the ocean tides. Now the Sun is 400 times larger that the Moon, but the Sun is also 400 times farther away from the Moon, and it is also interesting to note that because of the Sun and Moon's distance from one another they appear to be the same size from the vantage point of the Earth. For during a solar eclipse, the Moon passes directly over the orb of the Sun with only the sun-rays or corona visible. If the Moon was just a bit larger than the Sun from Earth's vantage point, all light from the Sun would be blocked, including the corona. Transversely, if the Moon was just a bit smaller in size as viewed from the Earth, this would allow too much light from the Sun to produce a true eclipse. Thus this perfect celestial alignment is proof of a divine designer and in no way can be written off as a meaningless natural anomaly.

When it comes to all the stars in the universe, they too express the handwriting of a wise and omnipotent creator. For when looking into the scriptures for a better understanding of how the celestial bodies function in God's plan, it is revealed that the stars were formed in order for humanity to tell time, to mark the seasons, and to keep track of days and years (Genesis 1:14-18). All the constellations have been used from the most ancient of times to calculate and form a calendar, a necessary invention that is essential for the scheduling of mankind's various plans and appointments, not to mention all the guidance needed for farmers who rely upon the tracking of the seasons in order to know when to plant and when to harvest. Another unique attribute of the Earth, in its relationship to the stars, has to do with our planet's transparent atmosphere, which allows the light of the luminous bodies of the heavens to be seen and observed from the surface of the Earth. Again if the climate of Earth was warmer the atmosphere could possibly be very hazy from all the clouds of the various gases produced by the heat and the light of the stars would be obscured. Likewise, if the Earth was colder, this might ice over the atmosphere making starlight impenetrable. So again the Earth in her relationship to the sun, moon, and stars has just the right amount of everything necessary for us earthlings to live a very comfortable and enjoyable existence. So, when observing all this perfection in nature objectively, one must come to the conclusion that there is indeed an intelligent mind behind creation and therefore science leads us to the belief in God.

In conclusion, the balanced sizes of the Earth and the Moon as well as their proper distance away from the Sun has produced the perfect conditions for water to be used in a multiplicity of ways, thus allowing life on planet Earth to keep marching forward on. From a scientific standpoint the sustainability of plant and animal life on the Earth as well as how the all elements within the Earth contribute to the way our planet functions, is too complicated and too precise to be just a random toss of the dice by the forces of nature. Even former atheists, after honestly studying nature, have come to accept that there is an intelligent design behind creation and thus nature points to a supreme being, Who created it all. Unfortunately, not all scientists have taken this leap of faith and continue in their skepticism. However, many believers have reaffirmed their faith in God by studying science. For through a knowledge of nature and by realizing how all life on Earth is interdependent on each other, these facts have provided all the proof necessary to back up a belief in an almighty, and all wise, and holy God. And really if man has intelligence and can discern how the forces of nature all work together to form such a perfect place as planet Earth, then there must be a higher intelligence that created the universe and in turn gave part of that intelligence to mankind, thus proving that man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). So in the end it really takes a smarter person to believe in God, as opposed to someone who does not believe in God. For as the Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God...” (Psalms 14:1).


Gonzalez. G, Richards. J. The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2004).