Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Sun, Moon, & Stars: Evidence to the People on Earth that there is a God in Heaven


The position of the planet Earth in our solar system is keenly situated in an extremely favorable location, perfectly fit for the habitation of life. And this celestial area of our galaxy that is so well suited for the propagation of all types of lifeforms, is known as the Circumstellar Habitable Zone. Located just outside of the orbit of Venus and extending just past the orbit of Mars, this rare and special place in the universe has ensured all life, as well as all the elements necessary to sustain life, a perfect habitat with one in one-thousandth of a trillion percentage point of having occurred randomly or simply by coincidence. For as we shall discover our Earth is way too complicated, and far too self sustaining to be just a fluke of nature. By examining the Earth and its relationship to both the Sun and the Moon, it is my firm argument that these celestial bodies carry with them the signature of an intelligent and divine creator: the almighty God. For as the Bible tells us, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork” (Psalms 19:1). For by studying the sun, moon, and stars one can easily come to the conclusion that there must be a creator behind creation. The aim of this presentation will be to prove the existence of God by taking an in depth look at creation from both a theological and scientific viewpoint, and in the end I believe the case for a creator will be firmly established.

As previously mentioned, the Circumstellar Habitable Zone is the intergalactic sweet spot which enables all the various organisms on Earth to thrive. Yet even within this perfect place in outer-space, the Earth is also at the exact point in this particular zone in order for all life to enjoy a comfortable climate. For if the Earth was just a few degrees closer to the Sun, the planet's temperature would be so extremely hot that no life could be sustained. And if the Earth was positioned just a few degrees away from the Sun, the temperature would be so cold that the entire planet would be completely frozen over, which would negate the possibility of any type of life on Earth to function or exist. Additionally, just as the Earth's distance from the Sun is just right for the sustainability of life, the same goes for the size of the Earth. For deep within the interior of the Earth, the movement of liquid iron generates a magnetic field around the globe which protects the Earth from the solar winds. If the Earth was just a little smaller in size the protective magnetic field would not be as strong, and the Earth would be scorched by the flares from the Sun. Thus both the distance from the Sun to the Earth, and the the proportions of the Earth to the Sun, share all the mathematically precise dimensions enabling a balanced and temperate climate on our planet perfect for plant, animal, and human life forms to live comfortably.

The Moon also plays a very special and important role in the insurance of a functional habitat for the various life forms on the Earth and for all the life that exists within the Earth's oceans. Now the Moon is one-fourth the size of the Earth, and is positioned just far enough away to stabilize the Earth's axis, and due to its gravitational pull from the Earth, the Moon also regulates the ocean tides. Now the Sun is 400 times larger that the Moon, but the Sun is also 400 times farther away from the Moon, and it is also interesting to note that because of the Sun and Moon's distance from one another they appear to be the same size from the vantage point of the Earth. For during a solar eclipse, the Moon passes directly over the orb of the Sun with only the sun-rays or corona visible. If the Moon was just a bit larger than the Sun from Earth's vantage point, all light from the Sun would be blocked, including the corona. Transversely, if the Moon was just a bit smaller in size as viewed from the Earth, this would allow too much light from the Sun to produce a true eclipse. Thus this perfect celestial alignment is proof of a divine designer and in no way can be written off as a meaningless natural anomaly.

When it comes to all the stars in the universe, they too express the handwriting of a wise and omnipotent creator. For when looking into the scriptures for a better understanding of how the celestial bodies function in God's plan, it is revealed that the stars were formed in order for humanity to tell time, to mark the seasons, and to keep track of days and years (Genesis 1:14-18). All the constellations have been used from the most ancient of times to calculate and form a calendar, a necessary invention that is essential for the scheduling of mankind's various plans and appointments, not to mention all the guidance needed for farmers who rely upon the tracking of the seasons in order to know when to plant and when to harvest. Another unique attribute of the Earth, in its relationship to the stars, has to do with our planet's transparent atmosphere, which allows the light of the luminous bodies of the heavens to be seen and observed from the surface of the Earth. Again if the climate of Earth was warmer the atmosphere could possibly be very hazy from all the clouds of the various gases produced by the heat and the light of the stars would be obscured. Likewise, if the Earth was colder, this might ice over the atmosphere making starlight impenetrable. So again the Earth in her relationship to the sun, moon, and stars has just the right amount of everything necessary for us earthlings to live a very comfortable and enjoyable existence. So, when observing all this perfection in nature objectively, one must come to the conclusion that there is indeed an intelligent mind behind creation and therefore science leads us to the belief in God.

In conclusion, the balanced sizes of the Earth and the Moon as well as their proper distance away from the Sun has produced the perfect conditions for water to be used in a multiplicity of ways, thus allowing life on planet Earth to keep marching forward on. From a scientific standpoint the sustainability of plant and animal life on the Earth as well as how the all elements within the Earth contribute to the way our planet functions, is too complicated and too precise to be just a random toss of the dice by the forces of nature. Even former atheists, after honestly studying nature, have come to accept that there is an intelligent design behind creation and thus nature points to a supreme being, Who created it all. Unfortunately, not all scientists have taken this leap of faith and continue in their skepticism. However, many believers have reaffirmed their faith in God by studying science. For through a knowledge of nature and by realizing how all life on Earth is interdependent on each other, these facts have provided all the proof necessary to back up a belief in an almighty, and all wise, and holy God. And really if man has intelligence and can discern how the forces of nature all work together to form such a perfect place as planet Earth, then there must be a higher intelligence that created the universe and in turn gave part of that intelligence to mankind, thus proving that man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). So in the end it really takes a smarter person to believe in God, as opposed to someone who does not believe in God. For as the Bible says, “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God...” (Psalms 14:1).


Gonzalez. G, Richards. J. The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2004).

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Vietnam vs. The War on Terror: From Baby Killers to American Heroes


When glancing back in time into the more modern history of the United States of America, are we starkly reminded of the 9/11 tragedies and the "War on Terror" which immediately followed these horrific events. It is also clearly recalled how the majority of Americans fully supported the Bush administration's response to 9/11 by the American invasions of Afghanistan in 2001 and then later Iraq in 2003. Going back even further in American history do we come to the era of the Vietnam War, and here we are also reminded of how unpopular this war was among the general population spanning from all avenues across the entire United States. It is also interesting to note that on December 1, 1969 (during the height of the Vietnam War) the United States government issued the draft, which randomly called up young men to be sent to fight in the war in Vietnam. Even though these young men had no other choice than to fight on behalf of America or be faced with imprisonment, this factor was not at all taken into consideration by the vast amount of Americans who were not only against the war in Vietnam, but also despised the American G.I.'s who fought in the war. And to add insult to injury, when these poor boys returned home to the country they obediently fought for they were not welcomed with open arms, but were confronted with intense scorn and contempt stemming from their fellow Americans. However, in the aftermath of 9/11 young men, and young women, volunteered to fight for their country in the spirit of defending democracy and fighting for freedom, and in turn were promoted by a large percentage of Americans as patriots. So what changed? Why were Vietnam War vets spit upon and called baby killers, while Afghan and Iraq War vets were looked upon favorably and given the title of American Heroes? The following presentation will attempt to dissect this dichotomy and hopefully bring awareness to the reality of how "The War on Terror" was in fact very unpopular with much of the American public yet was sold as a just cause by the U.S. government and was also propped up and positively promoted via the mainstream media. But before we address the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq let us begin with the war in Vietnam.

The Vietnam War was a Cold War conflict, which was fought in the Southeast Asian countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia beginning on the 1st of November in 1955, and lasted until the fall of Saigon on the 30th of April in 1975. Though Laos and Cambodia were involved in this war the main struggle however, was fought primarily between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist and fought against the South Vietnamese and United States forces by installing an armed and militarized organization known as the Viet Cong, who used both guerrilla tactics as well as more conventional methods in their means of warfare. Though North Vietnam was supported militarily by both the Soviet Union and China, with the hopes and intentions of building up and expanding communism in Southeast Asia, the Viet Cong took their orders directly from Hanoi (the seat of government in North Vietnam). The Viet Cong were also known as a part of the People's Army of Vietnam, or the North Vietnamese army. The Viet Cong made demands for the unification of both North and South Vietnam along with calls to drive out the Americans as well as to overthrow the South Vietnamese government which was backed by the U.S. government. Eventually, after the collapse of the South Vietnamese government following the Fall of Saigon in 1975 to the North Vietnamese Army, the Communist Party of Vietnam reunified the country and North and South Vietnam were merged to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on July 2nd 1976.

The total number of casualties in the Vietnam War is not entirely certain, but it has been estimated that nearly 2,000,000 Vietnamese civilians on both sides were killed, along with the deaths of over 1,000,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters, with between 200,000 and 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers who also died, and the United States government for its part lost over 58,000 of its military personnel who also fought in the Vietnam Conflict. So even if there is no official count of the amount of casualties, I believe it is safe to say that when including all parties involved, over 3.2 million people died as a result of the fighting spanning across the 20 year period that is known to history as the era of the Vietnam War. Though the United States suffered far fewer casualties than the Vietnamese, this doesn't mean that the Vietnam War was a victory for America. Ultimately the Communist forces of North Vietnam achieved their objectives and North and South Vietnam merged into a Socialist State, something that the U.S. government was supposedly trying to prevent through their military involvement and presence in Vietnam.

When the war was officially over and the American soldiers who fought in Vietnam returned home to the United States, they weren't received back with the same warmth and celebration as were other veterans from the previous wars, such as the Korean War and World Wars I and II. Instead, the Vietnam veterans were despised and insulted by the antiwar protesters and were even looked down upon by other people who supported the war, but disrespected the veterans for losing the war. Being held in contempt there were no welcome home parades or celebrations honoring their service. As a result of this social reproach many veterans found it difficult to find work and many became homeless. In addition to their poverty and the discrimination coming from their fellow Americans, the vets were also left to cope with the mental anguish caused by the horrors they experienced during their tour of duty in Vietnam. During the 1970s mental health issues were not properly understood and the veterans were forced to deal with their problems all alone, which in turn led to even more challenges for the vets with many turning to drugs as a result. Overtime however, public opinion began to change towards the veterans of the Vietnam War and during the 1980s and 1990s more recognition of their sacrifices were acknowledged. Various programs and support groups were established to address the physical and mental health needs of the Vietnam veterans, and today they are generally more appreciated and recognized for their service.

Now when it comes to the "War on Terror" (which was birthed in the aftermath of the tragedies which occurred on September 11, 2001) a huge amount of the American population supported the United States government in responding to terrorism. However, there was also at this time a significant amount of Americans who were not in favor of war, but were not given the platform or air-time in the mainstream media. For during the early 2000s the alternative media did not have the online following it does today, yet even now there are attempts to block alternative viewpoints by canceling anyone who disagrees with the official stories presented by the legacy press. For at the birth of a new millennium the inception of a new type of personal communication also came into focus. The Internet was just over a decade old in 2001, and personal blogs were just beginning to rise. But immediately following the events of 9/11 many websites would be created dedicated to exposing the stories behind the headlines as well as a barrage of conspiracy theories that would also flood the World Wide Web. For now the War on Terror would not just be waged on the battlefield with soldiers and artillery, but it would also spawn a psychological warfare in which the goal would be the conquering the human psyche.

Within a month of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the United States government launched a war against Afghanistan, which was the country believed to be hosting Osama bin Laden, the supposed mastermind behind the terrorist attacks on American targets. It was also at this time that patriotism in the United States went through a rebirth, and for a moment everyone in America put aside their differences and the entire country came together as one. But this would be short lived, for with the invasion of Iraq in 2003 the little voices of dissent were beginning to be heard. Though still on a high from 2001, many Americans supported George W. Bush's war against Iraq, yet at the same time many were now questioning the authenticity of the official story of 9/11 with cries of the attacks being an "inside job" rising to the surface of American pop-culture. Though these rumors have been disregarded by the mainstream media, the growing alternative media continues in its critique of the events surrounding 9/11 and has continued in its opposition to, and defiance against the various U.S. led wars beginning from 2001 and on-wards.

Now when it comes to the veterans and those who died fighting in the War on Terror, they have been celebrated as American Heroes. However, the same government that sent these brave men and women off to fight and die for freedom and democracy, is the same government that has not been there to support the veterans when they came home maimed and psychologically broken. For the facilities to treat the Afghan and Iraq vets has been far below the standard of care one would think would be there waiting for the people who sacrificed so much for the country they so dearly loved. For the majority of Afghan Iraq War vets suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and as of June 2021 it has been estimated by Brown University that 30,177 active-duty personnel and veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have committed suicide, a figure that excels over four times as many troops that died fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. And even though the vets of the War on Terror have not suffered the same social ostracism of the veterans of Vietnam, yet at the same time they have not been given much remembrance in the media in recent days. I guess now that the war in Afghanistan is over there is now nothing more to see, and thus the memories of our fallen heroes are now vanishing away.

In conclusion, the war in Vietnam was at the time very unpopular with the American public, and if it were not for America experiencing terrorism within her borders I suppose too that the War on Terror would not have been as readily accepted as it was by the majority of the citizens of the United States at that time. However, with the rise of video streaming platforms on the Internet an alternative view of world news and reports has been presented to the public. Though it is true that some alternative news sources are more conspiracy theory than actual fact, this doesn't mean that the news coming from mainstream news sources is the Gospel truth either. It takes a discerning eye to be able to see through all the deception coming at us from a multitude of outlets, for at times there is so much falsehood being spewed that (if possible) even the elect might be led astray. But as it is said, "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."










Monday, August 7, 2023

The Armenian Genocide – 1915


The Armenian Genocide of 1915 was one of the first mass exterminations of a race or people group which occurred in the 20th century, and was also one of the largest instances of ethnic cleansing in world history. For during World War I the Muslim Ottoman Empire carried out a series of unthinkable atrocities against it's Christian Armenian minority populations living within the empire. Armenian intellectuals were the first to be rounded up and executed, while the rest of ordinary Armenians were deported in death marches across Anatolia into the Syrian desert of Deir Zor. As a result of these horrors, it has been estimated that at least 1.5 million Armenians perished in the genocide of 1915. But to better understand the origin of this evil, we must first peer into the history of Armenia prior to the events that would culminate into the First World War, that most dark era in human history and in human suffering.

Armenia is a relatively small landlocked country located in the Caucasus region in what is known as West Asia. The Republic of Armenia is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran to the south. Armenia's largest city Yerevan has been the capital of Armenia since 1918, and it is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Located near the Hrazdan River, Yerevan is the industrial, administrative, and cultural hub for the entire country and also serves as the throne of the Araratian Pontifical Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, the national Church of Armenia. The majority of Armenians are a Christian people who practice an ancient form of Christianity which is known as Oriental Orthodoxy. With the Kingdom of Armenia officially adopting Christianity as the state religion in 301 AD, Armenia is arguably the world's oldest Christian country. In more ancient times before the birth of Christianity, the geographical territories which make up what we know today as the Armenian Highlands were part of a large settlement known as Urartu. The Kingdom of Urartu came to power in the 9th century BC, but fell into decline after being conquered by the Medes in the 6th century BC. In the 15th century AD the Armenian homeland would be taken over again, this time by the Ottoman Turks. Under Turkish rule Armenians would suffer an existence of second class status along with other ethic and religious minorities who had to pay higher taxes. Unfortunately many non-Muslims would suffer under the rule of the Turks for nearly 500 years until the end of World War I. Now that we have briefly covered the history of Armenia, let us examine the events which led up to the Armenian Genocide in greater detail.

The holocaust of Armenian Christians which took place during World War I, was not the first time the Armenians as a people had experienced death on a massive scale by the hands of their Turkish oppressors. For example, in the mid 1890's the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II ordered the killings of Christian Armenians, beginning in Constantinople and then spread his campaign eastward throughout the various Armenian provinces of Asia Minor. For prior to and during Hamid's rule, the Ottoman Empire found itself in a significant state of economic decline. So much so that it was even dubbed as “The Sick Man of Europe” by the Russian Czar Nicholas I. In an effort to revive and maintain power in his dying dynasty, Hamid began to promote a pan-Islamic ideology. For at this time in the Muslim empire a wave of nationalism began to move among the Christian Armenians of Anatolia. The Sultan feared that the Islamic culture of the empire as well as its very existence as a nation and regional power were at stake. So, in an act of fear and desperation, Hamid began the massacres of the Armenians in an effort to solve the Armenian Question. A question first asked following the 1878 Congress of Berlin which quite simply stated, how should the Armenians living within the Ottoman Empire be treated? Hamid's killings of Armenians in response to the Armenian Question would last until 1897. The total number of Armenians killed in the Hamidian Massacres has been estimated by historians to range from between 100,000 to 300,000 Armenian lives lost. And in addition to the Armenians that died, around 25,000 Assyrians also perished in the massacres.

As a result of this Ottoman oppression, Armenian intellectuals in the late 19th century began to unite and organize in their struggle for freedom. It was also at this time that young Turkish intellectuals came together in the aspirations of forging new social and political reforms across the empire. These young politically charged Turkish revolutionaries would be known as The Young Turks. Originating as an underground sect at first, or better yet as a secret society, the Young Turks would eventually rise to the surface openly as an established political force. For in July 1908 the Young Turks started a revolution and staged a coup that successfully removed Sultan Abdul Hamid II from power. Amazingly, some Armenian revolutionaries cooperated with the Young Turks to bring down the Sultan, a man who was responsible for the deaths of their ancestors. With the dismissal of Hamid II the Armenians supported the new Turkish government, which promised them equal rights. Now within the broader Young Turk movement there were several off-shoots, but the most dominate faction in the movement was called the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP). In response to the Armenians who helped depose the sultan in 1908, an Ottoman counter-coup erupted in 1909 as a military revolt aimed against the Committee of Union and Progress. The usurpers managed to seize Constantinople for just ten days, but it was enough to ignite a massacre against Armenians living in Adana Province. For after word traveled to Adana of a mutiny in Constantinople, the local Muslims were fearful of an Armenian uprising. Over the course of about a month around 20,000 to 25,000 Armenians were killed in Adana, along with 1,300 Assyrians. So here we see that even before the genocide of 1915, tens of thousands of Armenians had already been murdered by the Turks. But as devastating as both the Hamidian and Adana massacres were for the Armenians, unfortunately the worst was yet to come.

World War I officially commenced just five weeks after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand took place in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the 28th of June in 1914, by a Serbian nationalist named Gavrilo Princip. And this singular historical event would go on to produce the largest and most extensive war the world had ever seen up until that time. For soon most of Europe, Russia, the Ottoman Turks, and even Japan would begin a four year frenzy of fighting which would end in the transformation of the world into a more modern and secular global society. In the war Russia was the foremost enemy of the Turks. For the Ottoman goal was to push Russia out of the Caucasus region and out of the steppes of Central Asia, in the hopes of forging an alliance with the Turkic peoples of Central Asia and ultimately creating one great unified Turkish empire. However, the Russians defeated the Turks in the Battle of Sarikamish as part of Turkey's Caucasus campaign. Thus the Young Turks' plan for a united Turkish state was destroyed. The Ottoman minister of defense Enver Pasha publicly blamed the Turkish defeat on the Armenians, due to four battalions of Armenian soldiers who voluntarily fought alongside Russian forces in the Caucasus against the Turks. And this Armenian action would go on to serve as a pretext for the Turks to carry out the Armenian Genocide.

The Armenian Genocide, also known traditionally among modern day Armenians as Medz Yeghern (Great Crime) is officially held to have begun on the 24th of April in 1915. For it was on this date that the Ottoman government apprehended and arrested about 250 Armenian intellectuals and cultural leaders living in Constantinople. They were then imprisoned, tortured, and some were even publicly executed. The reason behind this Turkish targeting of Armenian intellectuals was that by crushing the Armenian leadership the Turks could more easily control the Armenian masses who, without proper representation, would be severely weakened. For after the alliance between the Armenians and the Russians, the Turks now believed that the Armenians were a threat to the stability of the empire and even classified the Armenians as enemies of the state. Thus the Young Turk government began to arrest and disarm the Armenians and subsequently began the mass deportation of Armenians into the Syrian desert, whereby being deprived of both food and water, many would die from exhaustion in the blistering heat of the sun.

At the time of the Genocide in 1915, ethnic Armenian populations were scattered all throughout Turkey - the geographical area known from centuries past as Asia Minor. When the deportations began, Armenians in the eastern provinces were rounded up into caravans and marched into the desert on foot. Whereas Armenians living in the western provinces were herded into boxcars and shipped eastward aboard the Berlin-Baghdad Railway. This railway was built by the Germans in the hopes of boosting their economy by securing a direct line from Germany to the oil rich lands of Mesopotamia, and to also compete with the British Empire in what they had accomplished in India. For Germany greatly desired to become a world power and thus sided with the Ottoman Empire as a means to gain power and influence in the Middle East. The Turks in turn became allies of the Germans in the aspiration of expanding the Ottoman Empire westwards into Europe. However, by the time the Great War began the Berlin-Baghdad Railway was still largely incomplete. But the Germans, by observing the diligent work ethic of the Armenians, had the idea to relocate the Armenians from Asia Minor and bring them to Mesopotamia in order to aide the Germans in their industry. The Ottomans on the other hand were more brutal with their investment of Armenian labor. For the Turks would go on to enslave and force many Armenians to build parts of the railroad: the same railroad which would be used to ship those same Armenian workers off to their deaths.

It has also been speculated that the Germans were instrumental in the exterminations of Armenians, due to Germany being an ally of the Turks at the time of the First World War. The Germans may not have been direct aggressors towards the Armenians, but could have at least been complicit to the Turkish atrocities committed against the Armenians by turning a blind eye. Going further, some schools of thought have even suggested that the measures taken by the Turks to execute the Armenian Genocide during World War I would go on to serve as the blueprint for what the Germans undertook in the Jewish Holocaust during World War II. And just as the Jews have experienced certain criticism over the years, which casts doubt and questions if the Jewish Holocaust ever happened, so too do Armenians living today suffer from their own version of Holocaust deniers; especially the adamant voices coming forth from the Republic of Turkey. For to this day the Turkish government blatantly denies that the Armenian Genocide ever took place, and takes absolutely no responsibility for their involvement in the deaths of the 1.5 million Armenians who perished in 1915.

Now when the first arrests and deportations of Armenians occurred, the Turks decided that they must do something in order to address the Armenian problem. The Turks would then implement what they called, “Shiddetli” a Turkish code word meaning, “Severe Measures to be Applied” against the Armenians. And these severe measures included not only death marches, but also death camps. For the Armenians who survived the marches through the desert were then rounded up into concentration camps in Deir Zor. But on their way to the camps many Armenians would die at the hands of Kurdish bandits, who robbed and murdered them even before they reached the desert death camps. It took several weeks and maybe even months of traveling on foot before the Armenians finally reached Deir Zor. However, some Armenians did manage to fight back against the Turks in the city of Urfa. The Armenians resisted the Turks and defended their families courageously, but the Turks managed to get the upper-hand over these brave souls by assaulting them with weapons they obtained from Germany. Thus we see more indirect responsibility for Armenian casualties perpetrated by the German government and military.

The majority of the Armenians who survived the death marches ended up dying of starvation in the death camps. In other areas, such as Trabzon for example, the Turks forced many Armenians of all ages into boats where they were then dumped into the Black Sea and drowned. Several were shot dead as they traveled, and there were even some reports of beheadings. In addition to all the killings, human trafficking also became the sad fate of many. For Turkish soldiers were known to take young Armenian girls by force and enslave them into the various Turkish harems throughout the Ottoman Empire. Thus, the sufferings that the Armenians endured was indeed a genocide: a word first coined by Dr. Raphael Lemkin in 1943. From the Greek genos meaning race, combined with the Latin cidery meaning to kill, this word genuinely describes what the Armenians went through during World War I. By the time the War ended in 1918 it has been estimated by scholars that around 1.5 million Armenians were exterminated by the Turks. But if we include the 300,000 Armenians who perished in the Hamidian Massacres in the 1890's, and add to that amount the 25,000 Armenians who were killed at Adana in 1909, and then combine the 1.5 million who died in 1915, we come to a figure of nearly two million Armenians annihilated.

Now although the Armenian Genocide is an extremely important and critical event which occurred in modern history, it has also been disrespectfully neglected, forgotten, and even denied. It is revealed however, that during World War I American newspapers thoroughly and extensively published articles describing the horrible atrocities carried out upon the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks. American religious leaders and politicians both stood up for the cause of the suffering Armenians. One such American politician who pleaded for the lives of the Armenians, was the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau. Though Morgenthau sincerely spoke up for the Armenian cause, and stood up to the Ottoman Empire's crimes against humanity, he was unfortunately unable to hinder the Turkish government from their severe measures aimed at and against the Armenian race. However, for the remaining period of the war, Morgenthau was able to raise funds in order to help and assist with the plight of the Armenians who survived the Genocide of 1915.

The War ended in 1918, and in 1919 the British Empire pressured the Turkish government to begin war crimes tribunals for all those responsible for the Armenian Genocide. Soon a series of trials were held in Constantinople, and the Turkish military tribunals concluded in their findings that the Young Turks were indeed guilty and responsible for the preparation and execution of the Armenian Genocide. The main three Young Turk leaders who carried out the genocide were Enver, Talat, and Jemal Pasha. These three were tried in absentia, found guilty, and sentenced to death. Enver, would flee to Germany and then to Russia, where in 1922 he was shot while fighting with a local army in Modern day Tajikistan. Talat also fled to Germany, where in 1921 he was shot point blank in the head by an Armenian student. Jamal escaped to Georgia, but in 1922 he was shot and killed by two Armenians.

In the aftermath of World War I the Ottoman Empire dissolved and lost its control over the various provinces and peoples scattered throughout what we know today as the modern Middle East. But even though the Turks lost the war, this did not stop the newly formed Republic of Turkey from modernizing and thriving economically. For under the leadership of the first president of Turkey (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) did the once religiously ruled Ottoman Empire transform itself into a more modern and secular state. Initially, not all Turks were in favor of the abolition of the caliphate, which ended up producing a split political system: the new republic of Turkey on one side and an Islamic form of government on the other. But beginning on the 29th of October in 1923, the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed, and on the 3rd of March in 1924, the caliphate was officially abolished. Also, after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, all non-Russian countries proclaimed their independence. Once the Russian Empire was toppled, the First Republic of Armenia was established. In 1922, Armenia became a founding member of the Soviet Union. Seven decades later on the 21st of September in 1991, Armenia declared its statehood, and on the 26th of December in 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist and Armenia's independence was officially recognized.

In recent times, the 46th president of the United States of America (Joe Biden) has formally and officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. This makes Biden the first U.S. president to publicly announce America's stance concerning the genocide before a global audience. However, in the 1980's president Reagan made a passing reference to the “genocide of the Armenians” when commenting on the Jewish Holocaust. Other than these two exceptions, all past American administrations have dodged the question regarding the Armenian Genocide. A possible reason for this American denial may be the fear of weakening relations with Turkey, the very government which perpetrated the genocide and which also is the main Armenian Genocide denier. The Turkish government has admitted that killings of Armenians did take place during World War I, but has additionally stated that a large number of Turks were also killed by Armenians in the fighting and that the figures attributed to the amount of Armenians killed in the war have been grossly inflated. In addition to the Republic of Turkey many other countries have also denied that the Armenian Genocide ever took place, but according to the Armenian National Institute at least 30 countries from all across the world have now publicly acknowledged that what happened to the Armenians in World War I was in fact a genocide. So, with a continual fight for recognition and the push for the acceptance of the Armenian Genocide from more and more nations, hopefully one day all Armenians living today will finally be able to completely morn for their ancestors and be at peace knowing that their memory is eternal.


Captivating History. The Armenian Genocide: A Captivating Guide to the Massacre of the Armenians by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire. (Captivating History, 2019).

Balakian, P. The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response. (New York, NY: Parennial, 2004).

Butler, D.A. Shadow of the Sultan's Realm: The Destruction of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East. (Dulles, Virginia: Potomac Books, Inc., 2011).

McMeekin, S. The Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germany's Bid for World Power. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2010).